
In English, FreshSteps places a strong emphasis on equal opportunity and providing an environment in which all students are encouraged to become independent in their thinking and the expression of their ideas. The three main components of speaking and listening, reading and writing are taught independently and students are expected to take responsibility for their learning, as individuals and as part of a team. Teaching and learning take place in a collaborative environment stimulating interactive lessons and enrichment activities. Students read a range of texts which debate moral and ethical issues and study cross-curricular themes with Science and PSHE. 

Pupil will learn how to:  

  • Demonstrate skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing that are necessary to communicate with others confidently, effectively, precisely and appropriately. 
  • Express themselves creatively and imaginatively. 
  • Become critical readers of a range of texts. 
  • Use reading to develop their skills as writers. 
  • Understand the patterns, structures and conventions of written and spoken English. 
  • Understand the impact of variations in spoken and written language and how they relate to identity and cultural diversity. 
  • Select and adapt speech and writing to different situations and audiences. 

Facilities are designed to support a fun hands-on approach to English. These include a wide range of highly visual and interactive resources, some of which are ICT based. 

Students will follow Functional Skills levels 1 – 2 or GCSE specifications for the AQA examination board, depending on their ability. Additionally, students can follow English or literacy related ASDAN courses and/or AQA Unit Award Scheme certificates.