The majority of primary pupils referred to FreshSteps often to come to us with gaps in the Literacy knowledge. For this reason we have a huge focus on improving literacy skills. This includes reading, writing, handwriting, comprehension and phonics. We use an adapted curriculum in primary that is hands-on and engaging and aimed at ensuring that all pupils enter the secondary phase with the key stills needed to progress and succeed to the best of their ability.
In KS1 the children focus on phonics as their main literacy lesson - the aim is to greatly improve their reading and spelling ability to help them access the rest of the curriculum. In short, if children cannot read confidently what is in front of them, they cannot fully access any other lesson in the curriculum.
In KS2 the children follow a literacy programme that focuses on improving and enhancing reading, writing, spelling, punctuation and grammar skills. The great thing about the programme that we use, is that it is suitable for a range of abilities, including those who perhaps do not struggle with key literacy skills.
We use the national curriculum objectives for both English and Mathematics to monitor progress, to help us close any potential missing gaps and move those who are more able, forward. We are flexible however and understand that we may need to look at objectives from a different school year in order to full support our pupils.
In science our pupils study a range of topics such as plants, the human body, materials and habitats. Lessons are hands on and children learn how to conduct a range of experiments.
Primary pupils at FreshSteps participate in horse-riding lessons with Lee Valley Riding School, boxing classes with Edmonton Eagles Boxing and multi-sports with the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation. We also have in-house PE coaches who compliment the school's PE curriculum where the children can make use of our indoor sports arena.
PSE and topic lessons consist of learning about family and friendships, stranger danger, British values and the local community.
Children have the opportunity to learn how to make simple recipes in our cookery classes and also take part in our art and creative activities.
Homework and reading books are given out and collected weekly.