We have a wonderful team of staff here at FreshSteps Independent School and we think it is important to celebrate the achievements of our staff. Whether they are Staff Member of the Month, completed a higher education course or have made other achievements outside of work, we want to ensure our staff achievements do not go unnoticed.
APRIL 2021
Miss Ibesha & Miss Shomari - Both won a range of scented candles for stepping into their new temporary role of joint deputies whilst our deputy is on leave.
Miss Powell - Won a range of scented candles for being an admin powerhouse since stepping into her role at FreshSteps
Secondary team - All won a range of prizes for their behaviour management drama piece
Head teacher
Ms Anderson
Safeguarding Officers
Miss Ibesha, Miss Shomari, Ms Jeffrey, Mr Regan
Deputy head Trainees
Miss Ibesha, Miss Shomari, Ms Jeffrey
Senco and year
Mr George Regan-Primary support
Whole school support
Primary-Mr Regan Miss Shomari Mr Remy
Secondary Ms Anderson, Mr Darran Mr Regan, Mr Nelson, Miss Ibesha, Miss Lianne
6th Form-Miss Jeffrey Miss Ibesha & Mr Nelson
Intervention teacher
Miss Shomari- and year 8 Tutor
Acting PPleader
Miss Shomari acting- and year 8 Tutor
Primary phase deputy
Miss Anna/ Miss Janice (Acting)
Governor Members
Mr Mike Vance (chair) Miss Elaine Cato, Miss Semone Thompson
School office manager
School admin
Miss Jade Binns
Deputy Pastoral Lead
Mr Nelson-Year 10 support
Pastoral Lead
Miss Lianne Woodstock
Primadery Teacher (year7)
Miss Lianne Woodstock
Primadery Teacher (year 7)
Mr Lewis- Miss Jodie (Mon-Wednesday)
Sixth form Co-ordinator
Miss Ibesha
Vacant until Oct
Vacant until Oct
Miss Sanjo Jeffrey- year 10 tutor
Mr Pritesh- year 9 Tutor
Drama/Beauty Teacher
Miss Sian Year 11 Tutor
PE Teacher
Mr Benjamin- Year 9 Mon-Tues Tutor
D&T and
Mr Pritesh- year 9 Tutor (Wed-Fri)
Miss Anderson
Primary classroom leads
Miss Anna (spiderman)- TA Miss Jodie(Thurs& Frid)
Primary classroom leads
Miss Janice (Hulk) Miss Jude TA
Primary Subject leads
Marina iron-Man-Mr Remy class teacher support (Mon-Wed)
Primary TA
Mr Remy (Mon-Wed)
Mr Green (Mon &Tues)
Miss Jude (Wed-Friday)
Miss Jodie-Thur & Frid
Secondary TA
Mr Green Year 8 TA support (wed-Fri)
Secondary TA
Ms Hamilton year 7 support Tutor and TA (Mon-Wed)
Secondary TA
Year 9 Mr Remy Tutor support and TA-Thurs & Fri
Building Manager/School Support
Mr Darran
Art Therapist
Miss Fuyuko
6th form Hair tutor
Miss Camille
6th form Textiles tutor
Miss Matthews
6th form Music Teacher
Mr Larke
6th form Catering teacher
Mr Jason
6th form Sport programme co-ordinator
Mr Benjamin
6th form beauty tutor
Miss Camille
6th form Maths and English tutor
Mr Taylor