Design & Technology

Design and Technology at FreshSteps aims to create an environment that provides exciting stimuli for pupils of all ages, abilities and cultures, giving a broad and balanced approach to Design and Technology with a special attention to “hands on” experience across a wide range of practical activities. 

The projects are designed to target specific skill sets and tasks are open in nature to allow pupils to have more influence over the direction of their work. The projects allow pupils to use their creativity, imagination and problem solving skills to design and make products within a variety of contexts for a range of intended users.

Year 7 students have been working hard developing practical skills using workshop machines and hand-tools. Working responsibly, following the health and safety rules, wearing goggles and aprons.

Year 10 students have been conducting primary research by completing product analysis tasks, exploring the details of existing products, as part of their storage box project.

Designing and making the stage set, was a whole school effort with students from all different year groups working together producing some incredible outcomes, contributing to the amazing Jungle Book Christmas show.

As part of our Alternative Curriculum and the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of our students. Bright colourful Diwali pop-up cards were made, which were loads of fun and exciting.


DT Curriculum Map